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제목Re:RTS-SAREK 매뉴얼 관련 질의 및 부탁2016-04-25 13:41

안녕하세요 디씨에스 입니다. 


문의하신 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamental, Chapter 30, 4 Page 의 내용 입니다.


Return Air Light Fixtures

Two generic types of return air light fixture are available: those

that allow and those that do not allow return air to flow through the

lamp chamber. The first type is sometimes called a heat-of-light

fixture. The percentage of light heat released through the plenum

side of various ventilated fixtures can be obtained from lighting fixture

manufacturers. For representative data, see Nevins et al. (1971).

Even unventilated fixtures lose some heat to plenum spaces; however,

most of the heat ultimately enters the conditioned space from

a dead-air plenum or is picked up by return air via ceiling return air

openings. The percentage of heat to return air ranges from 40 to

60% for heat-to-return ventilated fixtures, or 15 to 25% for unventilated






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저는 RTS-SAREK  프로그램 사용법을 매뉴얼을 따라 배우려는 엔지니어입니다.


RTS-SAREK 매뉴얼(p. 82) 입력항목 중 Lighting of RA(%) 값을 참조할 사본(ASHRAE 2005 HoF p 30.4)을 보내주시기 바랍니다.


RTS-SAREK 매뉴얼(p. 82)에서 Lighting of RA(%) 값을  ASHRAE 2005 HoF p 30.4를 참조하라 했는데 - 해당 핸드북이 없는 터라 인터넷으로 찾아봐도 찾을 수가 없어서 부탁드립니다.